Saying Goodbye

I have an idea for your business that will improve the guest experience.

It won’t cost you a thing. It won’t consume any incremental time. It can be trained in 5 minutes.


It’s simple:

Say “goodbye”.

Here’s what you do:

  1. Set this expectation for your team: Anytime a guest leaves your area (restaurant, attraction, front desk), they should be sent off with a sincere farewell.
  2. Explain WHY we give a farewell: We do this so our guests know their business is appreciated and so their last memory of us is a positive one. We do this so they will feel comfortable approaching us the next time they visit.

When I leave a restaurant after a good experience and the busy waiter (who wasn’t mine) makes eye-contact and says “thank you” as he walks by…and the hostess looks up from her station  to say “goodnight”…it’s the perfect ending.

Saying goodbye is a common-sense courtesy that isn’t common practice, and it’s appreciated by everyone.

Do you want this for your operation?

Then, just set the expectation…and follow-through.

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